news and blog
It’s Valentine’s Day and we’re showing some love and solidarity to refugees and asylum seekers
New year learning programme now live
Take a look at our new programme of courses and workshops for 2022
Autumn learning programme now live
We’re excited to share our new programme of courses and workshops for this Autumn.
Making D.I.Y Books / Zines
Run as part of a research project, you’ll use zines as a way to gather and reflect on thoughts.
Badge of Protest
Come and make your own protest badge with artist Layla Khoo and The Peace Museum. Drop in sessions run 11am till 3pm on Thursday 28th and Saturday 30th of October in the gallery where you can also view ‘Our Greenham’, an exhibition putting the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common into the context of the wider struggle against nuclear weapons and featuring archive materials from women who attended the camp living in the Calder Valley.
Open Access Printmaking
Book to use our printmaking space with facilities and equipment for Screen, Etching, Letterpress and more.
Drawing for Wellbeing programme for public sector workers
Programme to help public sector workers and volunteers reduce the impact of stress.
New Resource Booklet - Creative Ideas for Self Care
10 beautiful ideas for creative self care from artists
Calderdale Thriving Communities announcement
Communities in Calderdale will soon benefit from increased opportunities to enjoy arts, culture and other activities to improve health and wellbeing.
Health and wellbeing programme launched to support Lloyds staff
Last year, we teamed up with Lloyds Banking Group to deliver an art programme to support staff members’ health and well-being.