Studios of Sanctuary

An opportunity for asylum Seekers and Refugees living in Calderdale and people on low incomes to develop their artistic or creative practice in a dedicated studio environment and share their work with new audiences. 

Studio of Sanctuary Details

  • Access to a studio space within our art school for 3 months

  • Access to specialist equipment and resources including printmaking, letterpress and bookbinding equipment as well as kiln, easels and ample space for making work

  • Meet other artists and work in a supportive studio environment

  • Opportunity to show work in our exhibition space at the end of the residency

  • Share work through workshop opportunity or artist talk

  • Access a materials budget of up to £100

  • Inductions to our space and equipment

  • Tea and coffee and biscuits available

  • Access to our peer groups for support and critical feedback

How To Apply 

Please send a cover letter in any format (video, text or audio files are welcome) explaining why you would like to take up this opportunity and how you hope to make use of the time and space available.

Please also include some examples of the work you have made and confirmation that you are either a Refugee or Asylum Seeker living in Calderdale or on a low income (i.e in receipt of means tested benefits).

Please send this information to using the subject line ‘studios of sanctuary’ and for the attention of Lauren.

Next Steps

We currently have two spaces available and hope to make Studios of Sanctuary a regular and ongoing feature of  our outreach programme.  There is no deadline and we will review applications at the start of each School Term. We would like the first residencies to begin by October 2021 .


Badge of Protest


Open Access Printmaking