2021 in review

It’s been another challenging year but despite the difficult circumstances we’re so proud of what we’ve achieved – and we couldn’t have done any of it without your support. In this blog post, we look back at some of our highlights from 2021. 


The year started off with a challenge as the country went into another lockdown on 3 January. We were conscious that the start of the year can be a particularly difficult time for some people so we wanted to make sure that we were still able to support our communities even if we couldn’t open our doors. Like many organisations, January became a month of planning and fundraising! 


February saw us launch our Wellbeing at the Weekend programme to support people through difficult times during the Covid-19 pandemic. The programme provided gentle creative activities, ideas and inspiration designed to support wellbeing via a weekly email. Paper copies of activities were also provided to those who needed them. Wellbeing at the Weekend ran from Feb – Dec 2021 and we have since developed a Wellbeing at the Weekend workbook that brings together activities from the programme.


In March we were delighted to announce a successful bid for funding from the Thriving Communities Fund enabling us to lead a cross sector, place based partnership in North and Central Halifax to enhance health and wellbeing in the community. Our partnership came together to develop and map Thriving Pathways between people, organisations, services and activities and in doing so create a Living Database of community mental health and wellbeing provision developed by and for its communities. 


In April we received a grant from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund to help us to recover and reopen following the impact of the pandemic on the arts and culture sector. The funding was awarded to enable us to build on and develop our cultural offer and ensure that we can continue to support Calderdale’s most vulnerable communities. 


In May, following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, we were over the moon to open back up our doors to onsite learning. We introduced a new series of one-off workshops with limited group sizes to enable people to return to our spaces safely. Our full programme of courses and workshops returned in September and our new programme for the New Year is out now. 


June saw the launch of Calderdale’s Culture Map, bringing creative people and cultural organisations together in one place for the first time. The map provides a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of Calderdale’s cultural ecology, increasing the visibility of our existing talents and resources, supporting new collaborations and partnerships, and encouraging local investment. Take a look and add your entry. 

Children attending our Creative Healthy Holidays programme


In July we launched Creative Ideas for Self Care. This booklet includes ten creative ideas, activities and methods that can be used to support your mental, emotional or physical health, all designed by artists. Thanks to funding gratefully received from Calderdale Community Foundation we are able to offer these books for free to anyone using art to support their mental health and wellbeing living in Calderdale.


During the Summer, we delivered our first Creative Healthy Holidays programme. The programme was designed for children and young people aged 5-12 and included healthy creative activities taught by a different artist educator. Our Summer programme was so successful, we’re delivering a second programme over the Christmas holidays which is available to book now. 


In September we welcomed visitors to our beautiful grade II listed textile mill in Halifax as part of Heritage Open Weekend. Guests could take a look at our art school and try out some activities, view our gallery space and latest exhibition, and visit our artist studios where over 20 artists and creative practitioners make their work.


To mark 40 years since women first arrived at Greenham Common to protest the store of nuclear weapons on the site, we had a month of artivism. Our gallery housed the fantastic ‘Our Greenham’ exhibition, featuring objects and artefacts made at and for Greenham Common peace camp’s protest activities. We also held a range of sessions exploring the role of art in activism. 


In November, we had the privilege of attending the Community Foundation for Calderdale’s Community Spirit Awards and we were delighted to be announced as the winners of the Arts and Culture category! Being able to meet in person and receive our award alongside so many other wonderful organisations and incredible people was really special.


This month, we successfully delivered our third programme of creative activities for public sector workers. Calderdale Cares 4 Us is hosted by Healthy Minds and provides public and voluntary sector workers with free mental health and wellbeing provision. We delivered two Drawing for Wellbeing programmes earlier this year and a Festive Crafts programme throughout December. 

Across all our programmes, this year we have worked with 38 artists delivering over 1,200 hours of creative learning activity to almost 1,000 people. This includes courses, workshops, CPD, community outreach, commissions and residencies. We also have over 20 artists and creative practitioners working from our studios, including our first Studio of Sanctuary resident. More information on this to follow in the new year!

 We will shortly be signing off for 2021 to take a short festive break but before we do, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year and wish you a Happy Holidays. We feel so grateful to have such an incredible community supporting our work.


Happy New Year from Artworks


New year learning programme now live