Refund & Cancellation Policy

  • If we find it necessary to cancel any of our activities such as a class, workshop or session, all students / participants will be notified immediately. If an activity must be cancelled completely, Everybody Arts will give students / participants the opportunity of a full refund or will transfer their payment to another activity of equal value available at Everybody Arts on the grounds that there are still spaces available.

    If unplanned or unforeseen circumstances prompt a singular session of a multi-week activity to be cancelled, Everybody Arts will contact all students / participants immediately, informing them of an alternative date to make up the total number of sessions. Alternatively, the offer of a refund for the singular session cost will be available.

    Everybody Arts will refund the student / participant(s) within three weeks of the activity / session cancellation date.

  • We will provide a refund of 50% if you give advance notice of 7 or more working days before the activity start date.

    Please note there is an administration fee of Β£5 payable in respect of any refunds made to cover transaction and administration costs incurred.

    You will need to speak to a member of office staff at Everybody Arts on 01422 346900 who will make a note of your withdrawal and ask you to put your reason for withdrawal in writing to

    Please note, if you withdraw after the activity has started you will not be entitled to a refund.

    Everybody Arts will consider the circumstances with fair and reasonable consideration.

  • If you or a student / participant you are responsible for is unable to attend for any reason then Everybody Arts must be informed immediately so that the Artist delivering the session can be notified.

    We request that students / participants inform a member of the office staff at Everybody Arts on 01422 346900 or who will make a note of your absence and inform the artist delivering the activity.

    Everybody Arts will consider the circumstances with fair and reasonable consideration.

  • If participants enrolling onto activities via any of our access funds do not give reasonable notice that they are unable to attend the session or activity, we reserve the right to prevent enrolment onto future activities.

    Everybody Arts will consider the circumstances with fair and reasonable consideration.

  • Everybody Arts expects all students / participants to conduct themselves in a considerate and respectful manner that does not pose any risks to themselves or others. At the beginning of each activity the artist delivering the session will inform you of any particular ground rules or health and safety requirements for the activity which should be followed at all times.

    If a student / participant is behaving in an inappropriate, unsafe, disruptive or unsuitable manner, Everybody Arts reserve the right to issue a verbal warning. If the inappropriate behaviour continues then the student/participant(s) will be asked to leave.

  • The Everybody Arts website contains the most up-to-date information regarding dates, information and activity content. Everybody Arts advises all students / participants and interested students/ participants to regularly check the website and social media platforms for any updates, to prevent any inconvenience or disappointment.

  • We aim to deliver all activities as advertised. However, activities may be cancelled, or changed, if enrolments are too low or in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Session dates and times may be provisional and subject to change.

  • If you wish to cancel your arranged school workshop or course with at least 14 days’ notice, you will be required to pay 50% of the fee. If you cancel with shorter notice than this, you will be required to pay the full amount detailed in your booking confirmation.

    We may agree to changing the date or time of a booked session, and this may be subject to an additional administrative charge.

    If we are unable to fulfil a booked session due to circumstances outside our control, we will inform you at the earliest opportunity and find an alternative date where possible.

  • Disclaimer

    Every effort has been made to provide accurate information. In special, unprecedented circumstances such as pandemics or natural or economic disasters additional terms and conditions may apply. Everybody Arts can accept no responsibility for errors or omissions. We reserve the right to introduce changes to the information given here, including the addition, withdrawal, relocation or restructuring of the activities.

    Fees may vary from the published prices.