Embracing place, Exploring how blue and green spaces shape our lives

Date: Wednesday 29th January 2025

Times: 1-4pm

Free to attend

Description: An afternoon of creativity, sharing and reflecting on our relationship to and our experiences with green and blue spaces. Walks in the woods, swims in the lakes, foraging for herbs and cultivating produce are elements of our everyday lives, but what do they really mean to us and what effects do they have on our wellbeing, creativity and health? 

Join us for an afternoon of creative reflection on these themes where we’ll hear from grower, Steve Smith from the Edibles farm and a herbalist and forager Hannah-May Batley who will share insights from their practices in green spaces accompanied by artist’s Mishka Lesayova’s findings from her time on the Green and Blue residency in collaboration with Everybody Arts and University of Huddersfield. 

As part of the afternoon, gentle creative activities will be offered by artist and community gardener Cherry Styles and Mishka Lesayova’s. Discussions will also take place in the surroundings of a pop up exhibition of artworks created by Hannah-May and Mishka.

Simply fill out the form below to book your place.


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Winter Wellbeing - Poster design challenge