Get Creative this Children’s Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place this week (7-13 February 2022) and we want to encourage children (and big kids too!) to take some time each day to focus on their own wellbeing.


Below, you’ll find five creative activities for each day of the week covering each of the five ways to wellbeing. Each activity is suitable for adults and young people and should take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Don’t forget to share your work with us. Email or tag us on social media to show us what you create.

Day 1: Connect

Our five-minute portrait activity will help you to connect with a friend or family member by drawing each other’s picture. It can even be done online if you can’t meet in person! If you don’t have a partner available, why not draw yourself in the mirror instead?

Day 3: Take notice

Pay attention to the present moment and take a line drawing for a walk. Try and draw a place or a person that you know or objects that are in front of you – just don’t take your pen off the paper!

Day 2: Be Active

Explore the world around you and use it to create a piece of art! Head outside and collect any fallen nature you can find, then create an arrangement using your materials.

Day 4: Give

Make a Valentine’s Day card to give to somebody you care about. If you need some inspiration this Kandisky college would look fantastic with heart shapes.

Day 5: Learn

Take a few moments to learn a little more about yourself by completing your Happy List – a simple self-care tool that’s all about you and the things that make you happy!




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