Printmaking Access

from £15.00

Our printmaking spaces are bookable for members who have been inducted in our space.

  • Sessions available weekday mornings, afternoons and monthly Saturday mornings. A morning session runs 9:30-12:30pm and afternoon 1-4pm.

  • All bookings must be made via the website and paid for in advance. Please specify the date and session time you would like to attend in the additional comments. After purchasing we will be in touch to confirm your session date.

  • You can also book some technical support or advice from an experienced artist printmaker if this would be useful for your session.

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Our printmaking spaces are bookable for members who have been inducted in our space.

  • Sessions available weekday mornings, afternoons and monthly Saturday mornings. A morning session runs 9:30-12:30pm and afternoon 1-4pm.

  • All bookings must be made via the website and paid for in advance. Please specify the date and session time you would like to attend in the additional comments. After purchasing we will be in touch to confirm your session date.

  • You can also book some technical support or advice from an experienced artist printmaker if this would be useful for your session.

Our printmaking spaces are bookable for members who have been inducted in our space.

  • Sessions available weekday mornings, afternoons and monthly Saturday mornings. A morning session runs 9:30-12:30pm and afternoon 1-4pm.

  • All bookings must be made via the website and paid for in advance. Please specify the date and session time you would like to attend in the additional comments. After purchasing we will be in touch to confirm your session date.

  • You can also book some technical support or advice from an experienced artist printmaker if this would be useful for your session.

Using the facilities

All members who use the facilities should read our guidance for visitors here and our full risk assessment of the building here.

Where possible please bring your own materials and equipment. Basic materials (Paper + Inks) will be available to use and included in the price. Plates can be purchased at additional cost. Please let us know in advance what you will need and we will prepare these materials for you. Specialist inks, papers, mediums and plates will need to be supplied by the artist.

We expect members to make time during and at the end of sessions to wash hands and wipe down surfaces to help prevent the spread of Covid 19 and protect others.

We ask that members are cleaned up and ready to leave by the end of their session.

Technical, Professional Development and Tutorial Support from Experienced Artists


Sue Wright

About the Artist

Susan is an artist/printmaker from Halifax where she has a studio. She uses a variety of printmaking techniques in her work particularly etching, collagraph and monoprint. Her mark making techniques are derived from manufactured objects which have been found in the landscape of West Yorkshire. She has exhibited her work, nationally and internationally. She runs a range of creative printmaking workshops on behalf of The Artworks, Halifax and is a member of Inkers, a West Yorkshire group of printmakers who exhibit work across the north.

Artist Website


Annie Fforde

About the Artist

Annie Fforde has over 20 years printmaking experience. Recently returned from living and working in French Catalonia, leading workshops for members, and a local college, exploring and combining many techniques of print. Organising local exhibitions, national and international, and exchanges with various different groups of printmakers. Since returning to the UK, I enjoyed meeting up with old printmaking friends and through the West Yorkshire group Inkers I have been able to lead several workshops with the aid of Arts Council funding which has been awarded to our group for research into the Bradford textile archives. This will result in an exhibition at the Dye House in Bradford. I have been involved with other workshops,the Piece Hall for the People Play project, the Artworks, where we are planning a summer school and the Leeds Industrial museum. I have had several exhibitions since returning to the UK, the Dye House, Bradford, Lincoln Open, Ropewalk Gallery, Dean Clough, Halifax. We have a couple of exhibitions pending including Arts Trail in Saltaire.