Happy New Year from Artworks

Goodbye 2020!


Just a quick message from all of us here at Artworks to wish you a Happy New Year.

Like so many organisations, this year has been far from easy, but we have made it to the other side! Despite the challenges of 2020, we’ve still managed to achieve a lot and we couldn’t have done any of it without you! So we’re saying a huge thank you to every single person that has supported us. It really means the world to us.

We’ll be sharing more about what’s coming up in 2021 on our social media channels over the coming weeks so do head over to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-date with our latest news.

Until then, we hope you have a very Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you (hopefully in person!) next year!


Health and wellbeing programme launched to support Lloyds staff


One-of-a-kind signed Quentin Blake prints go on sale tomorrow